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Nullish Coalescing Operator '??' in JavaScript and TypeScript

Nullish Coalescing Operator '??' in JavaScript and TypeScript

The nullish coalescing operator (??) is a useful tool in JavaScript and TypeScript for handling null and undefined values. This operator helps provide default values when a variable is null or undefined, making your code more robust and easier to read.

What is the Nullish Coalescing Operator?

The nullish coalescing operator is written as ??. It returns the first argument if it is not null or undefined. Otherwise, it returns the second argument.


let result = a ?? b;

This is equivalent to:

let result = (a !== null && a !== undefined) ? a : b;

How Does It Work?

The ?? operator checks if the value on the left side is null or undefined. If it is, it returns the value on the right side. If the value on the left side is defined (not null or undefined), it returns that value.

Practical Examples

Example 1: Fallback for User Input

Imagine you want to ensure user input has a fallback value in case the user doesn't provide one:


function getUserName(input) {
  return input ?? "Guest";

console.log(getUserName(null)); // Output: "Guest"
console.log(getUserName(undefined)); // Output: "Guest"
console.log(getUserName("Alice")); // Output: "Alice"


function getUserName(input: string | null | undefined): string {
  return input ?? "Guest";

console.log(getUserName(null)); // Output: "Guest"
console.log(getUserName(undefined)); // Output: "Guest"
console.log(getUserName("Alice")); // Output: "Alice"

Example 2: Configuration Settings

Suppose you have configuration settings where some values might not be set. You want to ensure that default values are used:


function getConfig(config) {
  return {
    host: ?? "localhost",
    port: config.port ?? 8080,
    timeout: config.timeout ?? 3000

let userConfig = { host: "" };
// Output: { host: "", port: 8080, timeout: 3000 }


interface Config {
  host?: string;
  port?: number;
  timeout?: number;

function getConfig(config: Config): Config {
  return {
    host: ?? "localhost",
    port: config.port ?? 8080,
    timeout: config.timeout ?? 3000

let userConfig: Config = { host: "" };
// Output: { host: "", port: 8080, timeout: 3000 }

Example 3: Nested Nullish Coalescing

Handling multiple layers of potential null or undefined values in an object structure:


let user = {
  name: null,
  address: {
    street: undefined,
    city: "New York"

let street = user.address?.street ?? "Unknown Street";
let city = user.address?.city ?? "Unknown City";

console.log(street); // Output: "Unknown Street"
console.log(city); // Output: "New York"


interface Address {
  street?: string;
  city?: string;

interface User {
  name?: string | null;
  address?: Address;

let user: User = {
  name: null,
  address: {
    street: undefined,
    city: "New York"

let street: string = user.address?.street ?? "Unknown Street";
let city: string = user.address?.city ?? "Unknown City";

console.log(street); // Output: "Unknown Street"
console.log(city); // Output: "New York"

Comparison with ||

The || operator returns the first truthy value, whereas ?? returns the first defined value (null or undefined).

Example: Handling Zero Values


let height = 0;

console.log(height || 100); // Output: 100 (0 is falsy)
console.log(height ?? 100); // Output: 0 (0 is defined)


let height: number = 0;

console.log(height || 100); // Output: 100 (0 is falsy)
console.log(height ?? 100); // Output: 0 (0 is defined)

The || operator treats 0 as falsy and returns 100, while ?? treats 0 as a valid value and returns 0.

Operator Precedence

The precedence of ?? is similar to ||. This means it is evaluated before assignment (=) and the conditional operator (?:), but after most arithmetic operations like + and *.

Example: Correct Precedence with Parentheses


let height = null;
let width = null;

// Correct
let area = (height ?? 100) * (width ?? 50); // 5000

// Incorrect without parentheses
area = height ?? 100 * width ?? 50;
console.log(area); // NaN because 100 * width is evaluated first, resulting in null ?? NaN


let height: number | null = null;
let width: number | null = null;

// Correct
let area: number = (height ?? 100) * (width ?? 50); // 5000

// Incorrect without parentheses
area = height ?? 100 * width ?? 50;
console.log(area); // NaN because 100 * width is evaluated first, resulting in null ?? NaN

Safety with ?? and && or ||

JavaScript and TypeScript do not allow mixing ?? with && or || without using parentheses to specify precedence explicitly. This is to prevent unexpected behavior.

Example: Using Parentheses for Safety


let x = (1 && 2) ?? 3; // Correct usage with parentheses
console.log(x); // Output: 2

// let y = 1 && 2 ?? 3; // Syntax error without parentheses


let x: number = (1 && 2) ?? 3; // Correct usage with parentheses
console.log(x); // Output: 2

// let y: number = 1 && 2 ?? 3; // Syntax error without parentheses


The nullish coalescing operator ?? is a concise and powerful tool for handling null or undefined values:

Default Value Assignment:

  • height = height ?? 100; assigns 100 if height is null or undefined.


  • Similar to ||, but consider using parentheses to avoid issues in complex expressions.


  • Do not mix ?? with && or || without using parentheses.

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